Anxiety is the body’s response to stress. It is a feeling of fear or intense worry about everyday situations, which may cause you to stop doing things that you love and enjoy. Left untreated, it may keep getting worse.
There is an expectation of harm and repetitive worry as well as beliefs about ideas regarding vigilance to individual danger. This includes worry and concern about current (even uncontrollable) issues that compromise the person's ability to concentrate and pay attention. If these problems are severe, there is the possibility of intrusive obsessions.
Feelings of tension, apprehension and nervousness. Anxiety tends to be free-floating rather than attached to specific objects or events. It tends to be persistent and reflects the long-term experience of events as dangerous or threatening. Individuals experience a great deal of tension, having difficulties with relaxing and tend to be easily fatigued as a result of high-perceived stress.
The somatic (bodily) expression of anxiety typically presents as racing heart, sweaty palms, rapid breathing, and dizziness. Individuals may not psychologically experience themselves as anxious but show physiological signs that most people associate with anxiety. It is usually associated with a repressive type of dealing with stress.